Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So here's the plan...

Since putting it in writing makes it so, here it is.

I'm having a quarter-life crisis. In a moment of temporary to permanent insanity, I decided that I need to go for an extended backpacking trip. Here's the catch: it's been years since I've been backpacking. At first I thought I'd do the entire Appalachian Trail, to hell with reality. Then I realized that hey, maybe I should not try winter backpacking again until I've gotten back into the swing of things. So, after some research, I've decided that I'm going to spend the month of September hiking South from Damascus, Va on the AT along the TN/NC border. We'll see how far I'll get.

There. Now it's for real.


Anonymous said...

Stef, that is frakkin' AWESOME. I used to do a lot of forest and low-mountain hiking when I lived in upper-central PA way back in the day.

Color me envious.

stefrrr said...

Thanks! I'm pretty excite, although the nervousness is starting to set in. Mostly, I'm worried that Winston will cause trouble somehow. I'm going to have to keep him on the leash constantly.