So today was fun... Learned a very valuable lesson about dorm rooms.
We arrived at about 5:30, just as it was getting dark. I only had a duffel of clothes, a clothes basket with my bedsheets & toiletries, the fridge (got a slightly bigger one because it has a REAL freezer) my printer, and a box of miscellany: a lamp, power cords, etc. The school's only an hour and a half away: barely too far to commute daily, but close enough that I'll be able to come home every weekend. So just the basics came with me - just what I need to survive Monday through Friday.
Thinking ourselves smart, we decide to take the fridge up first - get the worst out of the way, you know.
My room's on the fourth floor. Nice, huh? I need exercise anyway, and being on the top floor means no neighbors upstairs to wake me up. I can be the annoying upstairs neighbor. Plus, I have my own room. I'd stay in a closet on the roof for a little privacy.
Just as I reached the top of the third flight of stairs, another student ran up. She was kind enough to open the door for me, so of course I took advantage of her kindness and asked her if she knew where my room was. She led me through a complicated series of narrow hallways, through locked doors, past stairs, and around corners. The building looks absolutely nothing like the drawing online. Lucky me, it turns out that the kind but unfortunate soul who showed me my room happens to be my next door neighbor. Convenient, no?
I nearly missed my door (ok, I did walk past my room - my neighbor had to call me back as I blithely humped past with my basket), turned the key in the lock in anticipation, and was struck simultaneously by three observations.
One: Wow, what a small room.
Two: Ew, it kind of smells bad. Ick.
Three: Whose stuff is this on the (probably smelly) bed?!?!?
My next immediate thought was of Ray pulling my fridge up the stairs. I dropped my basket in the room and ran back the way I came. Oops, not the way I came. The other way. This hallway doesn't look familiar - let's try this door. Ok, that's right, but this stair is not right. I burst open the door at the top of the correct flight of stairs to see Ray just about to embark on the second half of the last flight of stairs. Damn.
They've probably put me in someone else's room - I mean, who else gets their first room their first semester at UF? Thoughts of sharing a temporary triple with a couple of teenagers in a building on the other side of campus appear into my brain and start to settle in. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please do not make us (Ray) have to take that fridge back downstairs. Where am I going to sleep? What if they don't have a room for me?
I walk over to the area office and explain what I found in the room it looks like someone's stuff from last semester. There's a wisely compact fridge left open to defrost - I remember reading that's part of the winter break prep you're supposed to do in a dorm. They look at the roster and say that my name's on the list and that it's not my fault. I know it's not my fault, just please don't tell me we (Ray) have to bring the fridge back down. They assure me it's my room, but I'm thinking that if someone was there last semester, chances are it's going to be their room this semester too, right? The staff assures me that it's my room, but I'm unconvinced.
I'm told to go ahead and move in, so we put (hey! I helped lift it over the bed post!) the fridge in the 8 x 10 room. It takes up half the available floorspace. Not to be fooled, because I'm sure they're going to tell me that they have me in the wrong room any minute now, I wait downstairs until they can tell me what's going on. It's bad enough that we (Ray) is going to have to bring the fridge down all those stairs.
As I walk in, one of the two staffers gets up and avoids eye contact while backing slowly away from the counter. The other is looking down at the desk. Shit.
She looks up when the door opens and smiles as I walk in. I look behind me. No, she's definitely smiling at me. It's all straightened out. The previous resident was hired as an RA in another dorm for this semester, and was supposed to have her stuff out by noon. As of now, she's AWOL, but should have her things out shortly.
Finally assured that it is, in fact, my room, we unpack my bicycle, duffel, and box of miscellany from the van for the trek up the stairs again. We were smart, though, the last time and came down the stairs immediately around the corner from my room. No maze to travel this time.
There's nothing to be done about the size, but the windows open so we aired it out before we left. At 10:30 I received a call from my hall RA - the interloper has removed her belongings and I can "finish" moving in.
My sister assures me that all dorm rooms smell funny, but I'm sure it's nothing that a bucket of pine sol and an industrial bottle of febreze can't fix.
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